GetBlogs Blog Directory Liars and Crooks: <span style="color:#00ff00;">The War against terror

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The War against terror

The war against terrorism is nothing less than a war to extend US military force to prop up pliable states and create new clients for weapons and other US goods and services.

In fact, as suggested in a recent story in the Washington Post, the Pentagon is now seeking to transfer monies directly to client states in the so-called war against terrorism. What this means, in effect, is that brutal authoritarian governments like Uzbekistan can get the direct aid they need to put down any indigenous rebellions that might threaten the developing US control over oil and gas rich Central Asian countries. Of course, all of this will be conveniently hidden and invisible to most of the citizens of the United States until some wayward Uzbek "terrorist" attacks a US target somewhere


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