GetBlogs Blog Directory Liars and Crooks: December 2009

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Brainwashing of children

The Brainwashing of children
All is not sunshine and roses in America. This is Part of a article I just read.

Our Children are Brainwashed from birth to adore the red, white and blue, trained to never question the authority of government or the decisions of politicians, conditioned in the fine arts of nationalistic propaganda, manipulated into loyalty to the state and deceived to the altruistic fictions of American history, children are subjected to an education designed to eradicate free-thinking minds, transforming questioning entities into subservient soldiers devoid of rebellion or resistance to bad governance. Educated to avoid seeking truth, taught to inhale as fact whatever the government states, children are methodically robbed of their natural desire to question the world around them, failing to seek accountability of authority and their innate desire for truth searching.

After years of dumbed down education, in schools that serve to hinder knowledge and evolving intelligence thanks to rotten curriculums and decrepit resources, children become the molded adult drones of the state, unthinking, unknowing and unquestioning. The mockery that is American education, purposefully instituted by those in power, spits out a populace that fails to grasp the world around them, lacking curiosity, creativity and an ounce of knowledge of history, current events, politics, foreign nations, the arts, science, culture, geography and common sense.

Save the Net

Congress is about to sell out the Internet by letting big phone and cable companies set up toll booths along the information superhighway.

Companies like AT&T, Verizon and Comcast are spending tens of millions in Washington to kill "network neutrality" -- a principle that keeps the Internet open to all.

A bill moving quickly through Congress would let these companies become Internet gatekeepers, deciding which Web sites go fast or slow -- and which won't load at all -- based on who pays them more. The rest of us will be detoured to the "slow lane," clicking furiously and waiting for our favorite sites to download.

How to solve the Imigration problem

All right, immigration proposals under discussion. Let me add mine to the mix. I want to call this proposal the Limbaugh Law.

First, if you immigrate to the United States of America, you must speak the native language. You have to be a professional or an investor. We are not going to take unskilled workers. You will not be allowed. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools, no special ballots for elections, no government business will be conducted in your native language. Foreigners will not have the right to vote, I don't care how long they are here, nor will they ever be allowed to hold political office. According to the Limbaugh Laws, if you're in our country, you cannot be a burden to taxpayers. You are not entitled, ever, to welfare, to food stamps, or other government goodies. You can come if you invest here, but it must be an amount equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage. If you don't have that amount of money, you can't come and invest. You have to stay home. If you do come and you want to buy land, okay, but we're going to restrict your options. You will not be allowed to buy waterfront property in the United States. That will be reserved for citizens naturally born in this country.

In fact, as a foreigner, you must relinquish individual rights to property. These are the Limbaugh Laws. Another thing. You don't have the right to protest when you come here. You're allowed no demonstrations, you cannot wave a foreign flag, no political organizing, no bad-mouthing our president or his policies, or you get sent home. You're a foreigner. You shut your mouth or you get out, and if you come here illegally, you go straight to jail and we're going to hunt you down 'til we find you.

I can imagine many of you think that the Limbaugh Laws are pretty harsh. I imagine today some of you probably are going, "Yeah! Yeah!"

Well, let me tell you this, folks. Every one of the laws I just mentioned are actual laws of Mexico, today. I just read you Mexican immigration law. That's how the Mexican government handles immigrants to their country.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Obama Watch

Climate Deal Falls Apart

Denies Crashing Secret China Climate Talks

Commissar Obama OKs Wall Between Gaza, Egypt

Warns Obama To Stop Deficit Spending

Obama Year One - Betrayal & Failure
- Part 2

Obama Year One - Betrayal & Failure
- Part 1

Globe Cover Story - Obama's 'Gay Lover'
Gets Revenge

- Obama 'Birth Attorney' Told Us To Lie'

Is Obama
A Muslim? You Decide

Afghan War - 50-1 Money-To-Kill Ratio

War? 'Black' Obama Promoting Hispanics FAST

- Obama Ultimate Betrayal (One Of Many)

Can't Qualify For REAL ID He Wants Imposed

Obama Has 189,000 US Personnel
In Afghanistan NOW

Losing Homes So Obama Hands $2.8 Billion To Israel

 Obama Mocks The Senate
And Our Constitution Again

Shocker - Prisoners Aren't People

Obama! How Many Kids Did You Kill Today?

At Homeless Camp - 'Welcome To Obamaville'

The Nine Surges Of Obama's War

Big Sellout - Nah, It Was Always The Plan

Obama Really Preparing For Civil War?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The World’s Least Powerful Man : Information Clearing House - ICH

The World’s Least Powerful Man : Information Clearing House - ICH

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Addicted to Nonsense : Information Clearing House - ICH

Addicted to Nonsense : Information Clearing House - ICH