GetBlogs Blog Directory Liars and Crooks: February 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Obama has spent over a million dollars to cover his past and to keep you from knowing what a fraud he is. I found this interesting post that you should listen to or read.

Obama the Liar

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


There are 137 millionaires in congress That is 44 percent of Congress. So if you think they are there to represent you, guess again.

More than 15,600 companies and organizations spent at least $3.2 billion on federal lobbying in 2009, the Center for Responsive Politics has found, based on a preliminary analysis of lobbying data filed with the U.S. Senate. There are 13,400 lobbyist who "donate" money to the members of congress to make sure they vote the way the corporations want them to vote. So your wants and needs don't mean a damn to them.

I often wondered why someone would spend millions of bucks to be voted into am office that paid $165,000 Now I know why, That is where the money is. all you have to do is be a crook and liar

Additionally, CRP preliminarily found that the health- and health insurance-related companies and organizations spent more than $537.5 million on federal lobbying in 2009, an increase of about four percent above their 2008 spending -- a sum that will certainly increase after the final reports are tallied. Now that the supreme court said corporations can spend any amount on lobbing.

Democrats and Republicans are bought and paid for by corporate America with a large number participating in the corporate/political revolving door. No accountability or responsibility, and certainly no retribution to those who are collapsing this country. Just a bunch of rhetoric to pit R's against D's, thus creating the chaos neccesary to steer the lemmings, the American citizen's. Keep 'em confused and mad, steal all their money. The Milton Friedman way of business, something to be very proud of as an American CEO/lobbyist/politician. Their all the same: LIARS.

If you want to find out where all the money goes I urge you to go to this site.

Follow the Money

Monday, February 1, 2010


I will post soon. I have been under the weather but feeling better now..

Remember: "The truth is the enemy of the state"