This is a mix of political links and comments on what the government is doing and doesn't want you to know. In addition , other things I find interesting
Friday, March 20, 2009
If you believe the news you read in the papers or see on tv then I have some swamp land in Phoenix Az that I'll sell you. The news you read and see on tv is what the government wants you to see. To get an idea of what is happening you should read some foreign papers that are not controlled by our here and take your pick. These are just a few. Go to google and get dozens more.
Barack Hussein Obama, Barry Soetoro, Barry Obama, Barack Dunham and Barry Dunham.
Obama has used three law firms to keep his birth place secret. There is no proof that he was born in America. Obama steadfastly refuses to provide any proof that he is an American citizen.Obama has spent an estimated $500,000 or more on legal fess to keep his birth certificate from being seen. For $25 or less, or probably no more than a phone call and a fax to Hawaii he can release his birth certificate and shut everybody up, once and for all. But he won’t do it.Why? Because he has something to hide like, maybe he is not qualified to be president.
The problem is that 'the terrorists' are never actually identified and remain anonymous masses in this same scenario. After all, the real focus of the Obama administration is keeping people scared so many will not question the actions of their government and there is a greater chance that those who do dissent can be labeled as 'troublemakers'. If you want to find out where troublemakers wind up go to "adex list" on google.
The war against terrorism is nothing less than a war to extend US military force to prop up pliable states and create new clients for weapons and other US goods and services.
In fact, as suggested in a recent story in the Washington Post, the Pentagon is now seeking to transfer monies directly to client states in the so-called war against terrorism. What this means, in effect, is that brutal authoritarian governments like Uzbekistan can get the direct aid they need to put down any indigenous rebellions that might threaten the developing US control over oil and gas rich Central Asian countries. Of course, all of this will be conveniently hidden and invisible to most of the citizens of the United States until some wayward Uzbek "terrorist" attacks a US target somewhere
Passports are now needed for travel between U.S. and neighboring countries THE DAYS of showing only your driver's license to cross the border between the United States and Canada is a thing of the past under new travelers' requirements being imposed by the U.S. Department Homeland Security.
It seems that that every day America is becoming more like Nazi Germany was before the second world war. I have the feeling that soon we will need a pasport to fly from Philadelphia to New York and the day is not far off when the will have armed guards at inspection stations between the states. Your New drivers license has a chip in it that can be read from 30 ft. So wherever you go your movements will be fed into a data bank
Soon very American will be required to have a identity card. Homeland Security says this is all for national security. Bull This is about control. They want to turn this country into a nation of slaves. If you don't like it or protest you could wind up in on of the 600 gulags they are building right now Yes, for you, If you don't believe it go to Google and type in "Adex List"
The Bill of right is in shreds. The Constitution,was according to Bush, "nothing but a damn piece of paper" Habeas corpus. has been sumpended so what do you think you have protecting you.. not much.
George Bush had declared himself to be dictator and to have supreme power over and above the limitations of the US Constitution. Now we have Obama which is much worse
The plan is clearly to swallow up disenfranchised groups likes prisoners and Muslims at first and then extend the policy to include 'Fifth Columnists,' otherwise known as anyone who disagrees with the government or exercises their Constitutional rights.